I Hear, I See, I Feel
Erlin Effendi

Rp. 67.000
ISBN : 978-623-224-399-6
e-ISBN : 978-723-224-400-9
Isi Buku 140 Halaman (140 Colour + 0 B/W)

In every step we take, we have to cherish what God has
given us, regardless the size of His givings. Life is a like
wheel, there will be times that you may not be at the bottom,
not always at teh top. Learn how to love and appreciate
yourself, also to always give thanks to The Lord in whatever
season of life we are in. Radiate your love to the universe by
respecting and tolerating differences.

"Don't regard too musch of what other people might say,
each person has their own path. Every human on earth has
their own journey to embark on. Even the lines on our
palms are different. Do what is right according to yourself,
as long as it doesn't harm other parties."
astuti jubaidah
24 February 2020
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